Food Products

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Apple Vinegar


New medical research also suggests that apple vinegar ingestion can help acid reflux, lower blood pressure, improve diabetes and support weight loss. The benefits ofapple vinegar come from it’s powerful healing compounds, which include acetic acid, potassium, magnesium, probiotics and enzymes.• Apple vinegar cures hiccups• Apple vinegar helps tummy..


Barley Vinegar


Aids in Detoxification. Regular usage of barley water helps flush out toxins from the body and the intestines through the urinary tract. ... Help to controls Urinary Tract Infections. ... Helps in Digestion Related Problems. ... Promotes Weight Loss. ...Lowers Cholesterol and Blood Sugar...


Dates Vinegar


Dates vinegar has been used for years as both food and medicine in the Middle East and amongst the health benefits of dates vinegar are:• Weight Loss: Drinking dates vinegar will help suppress your appetite and reduce hunger.• Prevent cancer: As with eating apricot seeds, regular intake of dates vinegar will help prevent abdominal cancer.• Weak hea..


Elaichi Sharbat (Sherbat-e-Illaichi)


Halal Sharbat e elaichi is one of the favorite drinks to beat the summer heat and frequentthirst. It is excellent cooling drink for digestive system, kidney, heart, lungs, respiratory system and skin. It is blood purifier. Eating cardamom or drinking ElaichiSharbat can helpus for treating following diseases and medical issue• Sore Throat• Respirato..


Energy Booster




Garlic Vinegar


HALAL GARLIC VINEGAR BENEFITSHalal Garlic vinegar helps to maintane blood pressure level .Halal Garlic vinegar helps in diabetesHalal Garlic vinegar helps to maintane cholesterolHalal Garlic vinegar cures Heart diseaseHalal Garlic vinegar cures Skin Fungal DiseaseNote: not recommended for Joint’s pain Patients..


Halal Camel Milk


Camel milk is very good for increasing height, for brain development and overall growth of children. Camel milk is a very rich source of protein, calcium, iron, vitamins and minerals. It increases immunity...


Halal Talbina (350grm)


Barley Drink Benefits (Talbina) - Prevents bone disorders, Beneficial in Anaemia, Lawers Cholestero, Prevents Asthma, Tonic Cleanser, Aids Digestion, Healthy Hair, Improves Skin, Improves Immunity, Rids Kidney & Gall Stones..


Jamun Honey 1KG


Benefits of Jamun Honey: It contains 1:1 fructose to glucose. Fructose unlocks the enzyme required to convert glucose to glycogen which is essential fuel for prolonged exercise. … It helps in reducing weight: It is advisable to have warm water with honey on an empty stomach as first thing in the morning• Natural Blood Purifier• Good for Eye and Ski..


Jamun Vinegar 500ML


Treats Medical Conditions• Vinegar or sirka made from its fruit helps in treating the cases like enlargement of spleen, urine retention, chronic diarrhea and etc.Improves Appetite and Cures Constipation• It is used to increase appetite level as well as curing constipation if jamun ka sirka is taken with equal amount of water two times a day. Improv..


Kalonji (Blackseed Oil ) VEG (HPMC) Capsule


Black Seed Oil Capsule is derived from the seeds of the plant Nigella Sativa which are commonly known as black cumin. The oil contains powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-oxidant properties. It helps boost immune system functions and supports women’s health. It helps in maintaining blood pressure and LDL cholesterol wit..


Neem Honey 1KG


Neem honey is highly esteemed in Ayurveda and Unani— used to treat high blood pressure, diabetes, skin conditions, periodontal infections, throat infections and allergies. High-quality rawhoney is actually a wonderful superfood in its own right..


Saweeq al Bahi




Sultan Braino Plus (Capsules)


Weakening of retentive power of memory and lack of concentrationFor refreshing and soothing heart and brainFor maintaining physical fitnessFor revitalising heart, brain and nervesFor relieving headache, sleeplessness palpitation of heart as also for improving eyesightFor removing bad breath Promoting digestion..

Showing 1 to 15 of 18 (2 Pages)