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313 Hair Oil


Halal 313 hair oil is excellent hair oil for your hair. It contains virgin olive oil andnourishing extrasts of Prophetic medicines,Heena and Jujubaleafs.Its providescomplete naturall nourishment for problem free and beautiful hair .Pine-nuts,conditions and softens your hair.Kalonji seeds lgives your hair volume andhealth.Methi-regulates sebum flow ..


313 Organic Shampoo


Think of it as natural vs. synthetic. Organic products gently infuse your hair follicles and skin cells withnatural minerals, herbal extracts, and oils..


Ajwa Health Tonic


Benefits of Ajwa Tonichelpful in lof blood levels and weakness Suitable for Pregnant women •  Iron, the mineral that prevents anemia and which is a part of the hemoglobinmolecule in the blood.•  Magnesium, which has an important role in the nervous system integrity and inenergy production.•  Potassium, useful in cases of hy..


Al Ayubi (Mashroom) Capsule


Mushroom( Al ayubi) Benefits Fight Obesity Support Immune Function Destroy Cancer Cells Support Cardiovascular Health Contain Antimicrobial Properties Boost Energy and Brain Function Provide Vitamin D skin related diseases( psoriasis)AL AYUBI CAPSULES 100%TIBBE NABAWI BASEDMADE FROM MASHROOM KNOWN AS MAN IN QURAAN..


Al Qasim Capsule




AL-Hamra Soap




Al-Hamrah Oil


mother of believers pious Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqa Use to make this oil with herb namely Yamani Vers for Clear skin and as Marks Remover ,  ..


Al-Khizer Oil


Best time for massaging is before going to bed, gently massage the oil over painful areas till all the oil iswell absorbed in the skin, and cover with clothes to protect from the fan or A/C. Next morning, you willbe surprised that pains have reduced drastically. Even for people having pain in the heels which ismaximum when they wake-up in the morni..


Al-Mathur Oil


I gave this oil to Sciatica patients and it was the moments of immense pleasure:when they reported that the pains reduced.Massaging should be done beforegoing to bed rub gently till all the oil is well absorbed in the skin and cover thearea with thick cloth or a blanket ( avoiding fan and A/C would be better) nextmorning,you will observe the miracl..


Aloe Capsule


Key benefits of Halal Aloe Vera Capsule: Keep the body functions running smoothly and consistently.Strengthens the immune system. Better absorption of nutrients from food. Aloe Vera helps the body make the most of the food particles that fuel it. Helps recover from digestive problems. ..


Aloevera Juice


1.Sun burn treatment: aloverajuiceis a powerfull healing agent and is used in manysunburn treatments.The natural nutrients and antioxidant in the plant work to soothe thepain and help to regenerate the skin.2.ACNE TREATMENT:One of the benefits of Aloevera juice is that it can be used as an ingredient for acnetreatments. Auxin and Gibberlins,Two hor..


Aloevera Shampoo


Reduces dryness.Reduces hair fall.Improves hair glow.Net Quantity : 200ML..


Amla Hair Pack


Shampoo has a mild formulation for those who lead an active life, requiring frequent shampooing. Enriched with natural proteins, it gently cleanses and provides the necessary nourishment to hair. Halal Gentle Daily Care Protein Shampoo keeps your hair soft, smooth and healthy. ..


AngioTibb Arq


indication : Helpful in Cholesterol and ALL Heart DiseasesHeart Blockage, Palpitation ,Cardiomegaly  Dosage : 20 ml morning and evening before food for best results should be taken with laraib heart tonic ..




For over 100 years, Hawthorn Berry has been used to support an efficient heart function.*The leaves, berries, and flowers of the hawthorn plant are used for traditional herbal remedies due to the presence of beneficial compounds including bioflavonoids with antioxidant properties, which are commonly found in citrus fruits.Hawthorn berries contribut..

Showing 1 to 15 of 127 (9 Pages)